Contribute to the Security Community!!
It seems that the number of free software/open-source projects related to Security is decreasing as the time goes by. This is something that surprises me, because there are more and more security professionals out there (just have a look to the normal security mailing lists). Some time ago, almost every month a couple of interesting and innovative security projects were released to the public community, and now it is very strange to see any interesting security project. That is something that is happening with the mailing lists; it is very rare to find an interesing opinion or comment in mailing lists such full-disclosure, bugtraq or any other similar one.
Although that is the current situation in the public mailing lists (there are some exceptions, like the superb daily-dave mailing list), there are some blogs that hold very interesting stuff, so now the interesting issues are migrating from the mailing lists to the blogs (just check my list on the left).
It is important that people related to the information security community start to contribute to it; even though it is something very well known that everybody uses free software/open-source programs (nmap, ethereal, linux, nessus, snort, scapy, ..), very few of them contribute (I mean with contribute, notifying bugs, helping with the documentation, sending patches, new features requests, etc...)
So please, if you think that those nifty tools you are currently using are worth, take a short break and think that there are many hours dedicated from people sometimes in their spare time, so try to help and improve it as it was your own and beloved project.